Meet Susan Gan.
Founder, author and editor of Australia Bucket List.
Susan is an enthusiastic photographer and is passionate about all things travel; including travel photography and being a travel writer.
As far as Susan is concerned, there is nothing more exciting than packing your bags and heading off on your next travel adventure!
And where’s the best place to have a travel adventure?
Australia, of course!

Australia is the perfect country to explore.
Tourists can experience a diverse range of landscapes from thriving cities to outback country towns, from lush tropical rain forests, rugged coastlines and endless desert plains.
As a former librarian, Susan’s research skills come in handy when compiling the BEST and BIGGEST Australian Bucket List.
So browse through the list and plan your perfect holiday.
Stop dreaming about your bucket list and start living it.” —Annette White
Offering helpful travel tips and memorable ideas for your Australia Bucket List.
You can also find Susan at:
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